Plastic Particles in Liver: Concerning Findings Unveiled

Plastic particle accumulation in liver

Did you know that plastic particles are building up in our livers? Studies have found microplastics in liver tissues1. This is a big health concern and shows how important it is to know about plastic pollution. Every week, we unknowingly eat about 5 grams of microplastic particles. That’s as heavy as a credit card2. It’s […]

Discover the Surprising Impact of Nanoplastics in Human Organs

Nanoplastics in human organs

You might not know that nanoplastics are in your body. Scientists are studying how they affect your health. Research shows microplastics, smaller than 5mm, are found in human organs like lungs and placentas1. These tiny particles can disrupt your gut health. This is because they can affect the balance of good bacteria in your gut1. […]

New Research Reveals Plastic Particles in Human Breastmilk

Plastic particles in human breast milk

Recent studies have found that microplastics are in 75% of breast milk samples1. This is a worrying trend for plastic particles in human breast milk. These microplastics include polyethylene, PVC, and polypropylene1. This raises health concerns for babies who drink breast milk with these particles. You can track your exposure to microplastics with the Bye […]