You can scan any personal care, cosmetic, or household cleaning products with visible
ingredient lists, including:
- Skincare and beauty products
- Shampoos and conditioners
- Body washes and soaps
- Household cleaners
- Laundry detergents
- Air fresheners and fragrances
We classify microplastic content into three risk levels based on current scientific researchon human health impacts:
Low Risk (Green)
- Contains no known microplastics
- Uses safe, naturally-derived alternatives
- No known bioaccumulation in human tissues
- No documented health concerns
Moderate Risk (Yellow)
- Contains 1-2 microplastic ingredients
- Lower concentration of concerning ingredients
- Some potential for tissue accumulation
- Limited studies showing possible health effects
High Risk (Red)
- Contains 3 or more microplastic ingredients
- High concentration of concerning ingredients
- Known to bioaccumulate in human tissues
- Associated with potential health concerns including hormone disruption and
inflammatory responses
Our scanning technology has a 98% accuracy rate for identifying listed ingredients.
However, some products may use alternative names for ingredients or have unclear labels.
When in doubt, our app provides detailed information about specific ingredients so you can
make informed decisions about your health.