Our Blogs

Plastic Particles in Liver: Concerning Findings Unveiled
Did you know that plastic particles are building up in our livers? Studies have found microplastics in liver tissues1. This is a big health concern

The Surprising Respiratory Impacts of Inhaled Microplastics
Learn about the respiratory effects of inhaled microplastics in our new article. Bye Microplastics AI mobile app is available on App Store and Google Play.

Discover the Surprising Impact of Nanoplastics in Human Organs
You might not know that nanoplastics are in your body. Scientists are studying how they affect your health. Research shows microplastics, smaller than 5mm, are

New Research Reveals Plastic Particles in Human Breastmilk
Recent studies have found that microplastics are in 75% of breast milk samples1. This is a worrying trend for plastic particles in human breast milk.

Microplastics and Learning: Exploring the Surprising Link
Learn how microplastics may be impacting your educational outcomes. Our latest news article dives into this surprising link.

Microplastics Could Affect Testicles, New Study Finds
Microplastics could affect your testicles, according to a recent study. Reduce your exposure with the Bye Microplastics AI app, available on iOS and Android.